Commercial Crime Lawyer

Commercial crime can be confusing. It is not typically what you think of when you imagine crimes. Commercial crimes don’t involve violence or drugs, and they are often referred to as “white collar” crimes because they pertain to crimes committed by professionals. They can be devastating to you personally and can put your position or business at risk.

What is a Commercial Crime

Count on the Commercial Crime Lawyer with a Reputation for Success

While there isn’t one standard commercial crime definition, it is safe to say that it is typically linked to financial crimes. Many commercial crimes include things like embezzlement, fraud, money laundering and forgery. These crimes may seem less harmless than others, but they are taken very seriously and can be accompanied by heavy sentences.

If you find yourself in the daunting position of being charged with a commercial crime, it is imperative that you have the most qualified lawyers behind you – our clients are all across Western Canada:

The Commercial Crime Lawyer with Experience on Their Side

Choose the Representation that Can Overcome Your Commercial Crime Charge

At Tarnow Criminal Law, our lawyers have decades of experience in their repertoire. Commercial crime can be very complicated and having the wisdom to build a solid defence is vital. That wisdom comes from years of invaluable experience defending clients from a variety of criminal charges, including commercial crimes. We have an unparalleled working knowledge of the Criminal Code and how to protect your rights.

Our team is committed to achieving the most successful defences possible for every client. We are not afraid to put in the time and effort it takes to build a solid case. And that means when you or your business is in jeopardy, no detail should go unturned. No matter how serious the charges, your chances of success are greater with our team by your side.

Specialized Knowledge with Our Skilled Team

There Aren’t Any Types of Commercial Crime that Our Team Can’t Handle

Certain types of commercial crime can be more difficult for the crown to prove than others. Fraud, for example, comes in many different forms and has more strict timelines the prosecution must adhere to. They will also have to produce proof that is often difficult to obtain. We know how to pinpoint the weak spots, making your successful defence more probable.

Additionally, we are more than qualified to represent clients against almost any criminal charge. We are highly successful in cases of assault, driving offences, drug offences, theft, sexual offences and more. With over 40 years of combined experience, we have seen it all and are prepared to defend you during one of the most harrowing times in your life.

These are all the areas of legal expertise at Tarnow Criminal Law:
Commercial Crime
Unlawful possession, Identity Theft, False Pretences, Credit Card related offences, Breach of Trust

Learn More: Vancouver Criminal Defence Lawyer, Fraud Lawyer, Commercial Crime Lawyer

Possession of Stolen Property, Theft over/under $5,000

Learn More: Theft Lawyer, Vancouver Criminal Defence Lawyer

Firearm Offences
Carrying a Concealed Weapon, Possession of Unauthorized Firearm, Possession of a Restricted or Prohibited Firearm, Possession of a Weapon Contrary to an Order, Use of Firearm in Commission of an Offence, Pointing a Firearm, Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose, Unsafe Storage of a Firearm, Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm, Weapons Trafficking

Learn More: Firearms Offence Lawyer Richmond, Vancouver Criminal Defence Lawyer, Firearm Offence Lawyer

Cyber Crime
Pornography related, Harassment

Learn More: Cyber Crime Lawyer, Vancouver Criminal Defence Lawyer, Computer Crime Lawyer

Violent Crimes
Uttering Threats to Cause Death or Bodily Harm, 1st & 2nd Degree Murder, Attempted Murder, Manslaughter Aggravated Assault, Assault with a Weapon, Domestic, Assault causing Bodily Harm

Learn More: Assault Defence Vancouver, Domestic Assault Lawyer, Vancouver Criminal Defence Lawyer, Aggravated Assault Lawyer, Assault Defence Lawyer, Criminal Attorney

Driving Offences
Impaired Driving/Driving over .08/Causing Death/Bodily Harm, Driving while Prohibited, Dangerous Driving

Learn More: Impaired Driving Lawyer, Drinking and Driving Lawyer, Vancouver Criminal Defence Lawyer, DUI Lawyer Vancouver

Young Offenders
All youth (ages 17 and under) who are charged with offences

Learn More: Young Offender Lawyer, Vancouver Criminal Defence Lawyer

Don’t hesitate to give us a call for a consultation regarding your commercial crime, and leave your case in the most capable hands. Video conferencing options to meet with a lawyer are also available. An initial consultation with Tarnow Criminal Law can be held through encrypted video conferencing software, such as Zoom or MSTeams. Your video consultation will be fully confidential and protected by solicitor-client privilege

“I was charged in a complicated situation involving elements of the both Criminal Code and immigration law. The amount of disclosure I received from the Crown prosecutors was overwhelming to me… but Dave helped me get through it all. Dave managed to work out favourable agreement with Crown that not only allowed me to continue living in Canada, but also ensured that I had no criminal record so that I can freely travel to the U.S.”
"His knowledge of the law is impressive."


PHONE: 604.278.0555  FAX: 604.278.0525


#210-7340 Westminster Hwy. Richmond, BC V6X 1A1