Vancouver Criminal Law – Driving Offences

The law relating to driving offences is complicated and many criminal law firms are not experienced in dealing with such matters, despite their claim to be so.
Both Jason Tarnow and David Tarnow specialize in driving offences and have done so for many years. They regularly appear in the Provincial Courts, Supreme Courts, and British Columbia Court of Appeal in connection with driving-related matters.
In British Columbia, the most common offences are impaired driving (DUI), being over .08, and exclusively to B.C. we are commonly seeing Immediate Roadside Prohibitions (IRP) where drivers are subject to 90-day driving prohibitions, having interlock devices installed into their vehicles, and forced to pay significant fines that can quickly add up to thousands of dollars.
Information is the key to a successful defence. David Tarnow and Jason Tarnow know what information to look for, how to obtain it, and how to use it to defend our clients’ rights. We will search for evidence in police reports, witness testimony and other sources to build a compelling case for you.
We will challenge elements of police procedure when possible. Was the arrest legal? Did they have probable cause to pull you over? Was the breathalyzer, approved screening device (ASD), or field sobriety test administered properly? Was it properly calibrated? We will consider all of these questions when building your case and challenging the claims of the prosecution.

Call or Email us NOW for a confidential consultation:
Phone: (604) 278–0555
Fax: (604) 278–0525
#210–7340 Westminster Hwy. Richmond, BC V6X 1A1