Vancouver Criminal Law – Young Offenders (Under 18)

When a young person is charged with a crime, the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) governs how that young person is to be treated by the criminal justice system. The YCJA implements special protections and procedures when police are investigating people under 18 years of age they suspect of being involved in the commission of a criminal offence, such as having a ‘responsible person’ present while the police interview their suspect. That ‘responsible person’ can be either a parent or a lawyer.
If you know of a young person who was recently arrested and is in police custody, it is crucial that you call us immediately so that a lawyer from Tarnow Criminal Law can be present when the police attempt to take a statement from him/her.

“Officer, I know my constitutional rights. Firstly, I refuse to speak with you, other than to identify myself. I further refuse to consent for you to search my person, or my residence, or my motor vehicle. I wish to speak to my lawyer immediately. If I am not under arrest, I wish to leave.”